How Alejandra 5Xs her investment in Capsho

Meet Alejandra Rojas.

Money & Mindset Coach. Finance Lover. Podcast Host

Alejandra (pronounced “AH-LE-HANDRA!”) Rojas is a Finance Professional who uses her M.E.S.S™ Method to help entrepreneurs take a 360 degree view of their relationship with money.

She works with them to transform their money beliefs, make peace with money, and learn the skills they need to manage their money better, so that they can attract abundance and create the life of their dreams

Capsho has saved her time and energy, allowing her to focus on her clients and the confidence to finally be consistent with her podcast which has helped it grow.

A year later, I continue using Capsho for every episode I have. Not only has my podcast grown, but I now feel more confident about every episode I record. Because now I know that I won't leave it in storage like before when I didn’t have time to market it.

Alejandra’s Podcasting Story

Alejandra started podcasting when she realized she couldn’t find anyone in the industry sharing about the money mindset in the way that she was experiencing it.

So she did what she knew how to do best, talk it out to process it. Her podcast became a way to grow her own voice and perspective.

The intimate nature of the platform allowed her to deliver the subconscious reprogramming her audience and before she knew it, her business was taking off.

Alejandra soon realized her podcast had become the window of her shop - a really effective way to give people a free taste of what it was like to work with her.

She needed more time to spend with her growing client base but also attract new ones.

I knew I needed to spend time and energy with my clients. That’s what they pay me for and what they deserve from me.

But I also knew that for my shop, I needed to keep my windows clean for the people peering in.

I was constantly trying to figure out what was more valuable - attract more people or invest time in my existing clients.

When I found Capsho, I realized I could do both.

When Alejandra met Capsho

Alejandra was a Beta tester for Capsho and one of our first-ever paying customers (an OG Capshovian!)

She put her hand up to be an early adopter of Capsho as she knew she needed to promote and market her content but she just did not have time to do it the long, arduous way.

I didn’t want to spend all day on things like writing my show notes because I felt like I was stealing energy and time from my clients.

For Alejandra, investing in Capsho was a simple decision about how much she valued her time.

As an entrepreneur for whom podcasting is a lead-generation platform for her business, (rather than a creator for whom podcasting is a business), she knew she needed to create leverage to allow her to focus on income-generating activities like coaching clients.

I value my time 5 times more than the investment I'm making or the thing I'm acquiring at this moment. That's the strategic mind you need to put things into perspective as a business owner.

Numbers are relative. They tell stories that only you can tell. What does that story mean for you?

So to me, the number I am asked to invest in Capsho tells me:

“This is an opportunity to get all your content created without having to worry every single week about how you're going to get it done and then stealing that energy and time from your clients.” 

When I compared the investment to the value that I perceive of my time and my money, it was a no-brainer decision.

Connect with Alejandra

Learn Alejandra’s M.E.S.S Method

If you want to unlock the energy & bandwidth to drive consistent podcast and business growth, let Capsho help you become the marketer of your dreams.